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Author: Tina Amirtha

Uh …

Some of these posts are completely ridiculoso. Sometimes I wish I could create a new blog entirely, but then I would have too many websites on the web. So far I have:

1. Northwestern PubWeb website
2. Webshots website
3. website
4. Yahoo website
5. Google website
6. blog

These are way too many things to have floating around the web. It seems like there are too many things to personalize these days, among them: internet provider home pages, newspapers, weather services, networking rings such as or (is that right? i can’t remember my password or my sign-in name), friendster, myspace, etc. What is so appealing about trying to create an identity for oneself on the Internet? I don’t know, but it must have to do with money. The root of everything is money.

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New Hobbies

Since when does finding a new hobby become a chore? I thought people were supposed to be predispositioned to certain hobbies and repelled by others. Some really cool hobbies are mountain biking, motor-biking, tractor-pulling, car racing: anything that has to do with big motors and racing fast. My new hobby is nothing of the sort. Gardening is not cool. It is super-cool; best hobby ever. Alex gave me some pots, soil and seeds for this exciting new venture. I can’t remember all of the names of the seeds, but sunflowers, marigolds and zinnias come to mind. Here’s a picture of my life from the past few days (left). We made a little garden outside this morning. It was very enjoyable. I think there has to be something said about doing outdoors activities. I am sure that playing on the computer during my formative years has really desensitized me to, well, sunlight and fresh air.

Speaking of sunlight and fresh air, a lot of that can be found at a Cubs game. I went to one against the Washington Nationals last Tuesday. Sarah, Geeta, Katie and I basically just ate ballpark food and drank large quantities of obscenely overpriced beer the whole time. Good times were had by all in the end. And the Cubs won!

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